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Comments: 2

02.06.2024, 19:56

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Gritty dragon
Gritty dragon


Gritty dragon
Description: Featuring the Stanford Dragon - thanks to Graham Dresch for converting this for me - and originally from the Stanford Repository

An exercise texture tiling and terrain displacement.

TA render with Bryce sun.
Added by: davidbrinnen
Keywords: davidbrinnen, materials, texture, tile, TA, dragon
Date: 11.03.2011 16:30
Hits: 3732
Downloads: 70
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 346.3 KB
Previous image: Christmas Tree
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Author: Comment:

Join Date: 03.01.2011
Comments: 236

Thats very nice David, i almost mistook this for a photograph.
11.03.2011 16:58 Offline STKydd dragonsbain at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Thank you! Well in a sense you were not wrong with your initial impression. The original source of the materials was the ten foot at the bottom of the back yard. The neighbours were doubtless confused and possibly a little concerned to see me crawling around in the road photographing the ground in micro detail. Anyway, that was the start, then followed quite a few hours of "processing" to generate seamless textures and accompanying maps for Bryce. A fiddly but, on the whole, interesting way to make a scene.
11.03.2011 17:25 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 04.02.2009
Comments: 22

I like the dragon, but the ground is stunning!
I assume it isn't just drop a grayscale version of the seamless photo's in the displacement node/terrain editor?
11.06.2011 17:38 Offline boekenwuurm boekenwuurm at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Thank you! I'm pleased you like the ground... well, what I did was go out and crawl around in the road taking photographs. I composited these photographs in Genetica to form a seamlessly tiling image 2048x2048 and then process that image in CrazyBump to create a selection of tiling effect maps. One of these maps I then processed in PSP8 to drive the height of each of the sixteen terrains that form the ground. The other maps were then used for the material on the terrain. Another terrain, using a different part of the road, was put under the dragon to break up the pattern somewhat. I've also made four short video tutorials to explain this somewhat, put 10 terrain, 20 materials presets, 11 example scenes and all the maps together into a product which I've uploaded to DAZ. So it is a bit like what you said... but with a few more stages. I'm pleased you like it!
11.06.2011 19:27 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 10.15.2010
Comments: 881

At first I wanted to be shot from comprehension own inferiority. To make such texture in DTE! Has then understood that it is a photo texture!
But still your crawling on your knees deserves respect!
11.07.2011 21:53 Offline slepalex slepalex at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224

Photographs bring a different quality to the material effects, I do not think any better or worst, just different. The ideal situation would be to have procedural control over the tiling of photo images to create less obviously repeating patterns. Blending pictures with procedurals is possible and fun, but the lack of "slots" in the material lab and picture lab limits the process somewhat.
11.08.2011 08:22 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 07.19.2008
Comments: 14

Could you please post or put up the dragon? I would love to experiment the texture or lighting similar to what you did. (If it's permissible)
11.12.2011 23:16 Offline HawkThunder

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