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Lava Rock
Lava Rock
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03.06.2024, 03:48

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EeekII the revenge
EeekII the revenge


EeekII the revenge
Description: OK, I've tried to address some of the issues with the last image but I am still somewhat in the dark as to how to deal with some problems. I've fiddled with the lighting and put sand on her feet and given her a bit more hair (although it cost me some of my own to do it).

The bee is still in, we get bees on our beach, I guess it's down to being beside a mile and half of dunes and scrub and or agricultral land.

Issues, despite smothing I don't seem to be able to get rid of the "chiseled look" - maybe that is down to the poser model or something I need to do to it before I export - if anyone happens to know.

Oh and I bumped the skin up a bit more, my previous attempts was obviously too low level. Thanks for your helpful comments, keep 'em coming!
Added by: davidbrinnen
Keywords: davidbrinnen, bee, poser5, materials, scrub, beach, sand, fun
Date: 12.07.2004 14:15
Hits: 5214
Downloads: 141
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 404.0 KB
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Author: Comment:

Join Date: 12.11.2003
Comments: 451
oh my

OKi, I think some obvious things: She looks like she fell into a -10 degree river for an hour.. her lips are purple, and she's as pale as it gets! Her hair is much better placed =)

Love the sand on feet, nice touch.

The sky is bluer in the bottom, but the sun is comming from the other side.. It seems like the scene got too dark from the last version of it.

Ya i see the chisel.. if u can't get it in live redner, smooth out the shadows in post production i say.

My 3 - 4 cents. I think you can get this one..
12.07.2004 14:22 Offline Nightst4r nightst4r at

Join Date: 10.01.2004
Comments: 163
Aight here we go.........

Awsome picture I have to hand it to ya man.
I love the Blur effect and I love the Look on her face, its so pricless, I love every thing about it. Ok now the dreaded part I hate....ASKING QUETIONS!!....If you would be so kind as to direct me in the path of ritsouness. I have a few questions and hopefully they wont come out too long :( ....First...and formost...What Kind of program do I need to have to see beanvisions Lighting system....Or can it just be explained Easily...2nd ....How do you blur things in bryce5.....3rd....How did you get the sond on her feet ....Do you have to have the Victoria Set to have good looking woman in poser..or is it that poser 4 has better people than 5 ?......4th does poser 4 have the ability to make facial expressions.?
ugghhh ok I think this is the last hopefully your not pulling your hair out your balls picture you just did you get the glass to look like ....well ...good glass....lolol in my opion ..
Thank you for all your time guys ...and All the pressure doesnt have to be on David Any one can answer.....THANKYOU IT WOULD HELP ALOT :))))

PS a defint 5/5
12.07.2004 17:11 Offline jesuis xxomnislashxx at

Join Date: 05.26.2004
Comments: 4721
Far Better

The hair is greatly improved. I don't scorn the wet look of it and the purple lips. If she took a bath at this time of the year this time of the yea -- even at south coast, as the palms suggest -- what else could you expect? The skin texture is improved, I particularly like how the forehead looks. The eyes look softer and much more natural. The sand on her feet and the marks in the sand are incredible.

This time, the light doesn't make me overly happy. Too much contrast in my eyes -- the ear is lost in the hard shadow, which is a pity, remembering how beautiful it actually is.
12.07.2004 22:08 Offline Horo h.-r.h.wernli at

Join Date: 01.03.2004
Comments: 2224
I can see I have my work cut out for me!

Beanzvisions HGL is an object comprised of many many tiny lights that you sit over other objects in Bryce to light them. The Blur effect is obtained by going into the render options and using the DOF effect - remembering to set the focus on the selection you want sharp. OR In post production using masks and an approprite package. The sand on her feet is a terrain which a moddeled on her feet by altitude mapping a giant pair of her feet and using that as the height map. I don't know about poser4 I used Poser5. I've not used the Victoria Set... this is a standard figure - I didn't fiddle with it much because my main aim was to try and give a figure hair - the filename of this pic is something like "hair experiment 4" on my HD. The glass in the balls is just a bit of bumpmapping and inperfection at a high frequency.

OK I think that is the questions out of the way. Thank's for your comments, I'm rendering some variations of this as I type - judging by the speed of the renders, I image they will be ready about midweek - next week. O... gotta go
12.08.2004 09:51 Offline davidbrinnen mail at

Join Date: 12.16.2003
Comments: 132

Everyone has pointed out the main stuff. I'd just like to add one thing. To me that bee looks enormous, I can see it's supposed to be in front of the lady, but it also seems like it's right next to her, and it looks enormous. But overall the entire thing is incredibly good, well done. Can't wait to see the finished piece :)
12.09.2004 00:03 Offline Frozencry soul_reaver_14 at

Join Date: 05.07.2005
Comments: 42
I have had this problem

On the post I did of the wild west, I have skin texture that was very pale so what I did was After I had the person in Bryce, I ungrooped it and re textured the skin and it did not effect the eyes or lips and textured exactly what I wanted, the other way would be to make a darker texture from a templet in poser first and applying it. As far a smoothing, Once you import a model from Poser, they always need some smothing, That is easy, Once you have it in bryce, click on the little E next to it and take your cursor and place on the smooth and left click holding it down and drag it to the left, it will smooth out your model. Hope this is some help
05.08.2005 17:27 Offline Lakota mcholloway at

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